Friday, December 22, 2006

Respect for property?

Last night while I was leaving, I watched a lady come up to the library, stand by the wall mounted ash tray and smoke her cigarette. She proceeded to putt the ashes in the trash can next to the ash tray and drop the cigarette on the ground.
Come on, how hard is it to use the ash tray?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Read Directions Much?

How hard is this to understand, "Click the Red X at the top of the screen to log off"?
It doesn't mean, try start, log off or click the red X right after you log in.
Oiy, I so think that people just don't read very clear instructions. Or they just don't care.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Loud typers

A patron came up to the front desk and asked for a hammer.
Saying, "I think the person next to me needs a hammer, they can't type loud enough with their fingers."

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


A little while back we found human poo in the mystery section. We think it was some old guy, but how it got there is still a mystery.

Apparently some of our patrons are indeed full of crap.

Book Damage

A patron calls in saying "I have some very very bad news. I dropped a book into a can of oily paint, I think it's damaged."

Think it's damaged?!?! If the book is all the color of your paint, then yes it is definitely damaged.
And, how do you drop a book into a can of paint? Was it a 5 gallon vat?!?!


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Unsubscribe? Is that such a hard concept to grasp?

We just got 2 calls in 2 days from our ISP about spam messages.
We do send out a monthly programming email, that complies to the CANSPAM act, including a working unsubscribe feature. Is it so hard to unsubscribe instead of clicking spam, if you're getting our email you gave us your email address when you signed up for your library card.
And little to my surprise AOL is the one causing the biggest issue.
I don't feel like setting up our own email server in house, but I may have to now, yay Ubuntu.