Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Warning Messages, Not Just There For Our Health.

Typically when are computer program gives a message of any sort, it's because it's important. The programmer didn't just put it a random message.
Like the warning message saying that the computer session will be terminated in 3 minutes and all work will be lost, please save your work now, then a 1 minute warning. I almost forget to mention the timer at the top of the screen that turns RED when it ticks down to 3 minutes.
Those warnings aren't just there for fun, they mean what they say.

So, don't whine to me for the consequences of the warnings you ignored. If you lost a long email or letter you were writing that was so important, why didn't you save it when the message warned you to save your work or it will be lost?!?

I mean, what part of "The computer will log off in 3 minutes, save your work now, all work will be lost." is so hard to grasp?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Gotta Go?

Restroom renovation time.
Yay, new restrooms for the public. . . in a few months.

For now though, they get to use one of our 2 staff restrooms. So, we're down to one.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Forgetful... what was I saying again?

We have what should be a very simple computer log in system. The desk staff gives the patron a ticket with a PIN on it, and the patron enters the PIN on the only text box on the log on screen.

We give a patron a ticket and assign a computer. She puts the ticket in her purse and goes to the computers. A few minutes later she is back up asking where she gets the PIN from, apparently her purse was hungry. We give her a second ticket, she goes down. A few minutes later she is back up asking where the PIN is on the ticket. We show her the clearly labeled PIN. Almost to our surprise she didn't come up a 3rd time.
And this was not her first time using our computer system.